Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Who Stole My Trash? What Am I Doing With This?

Another rule of "Treasure Diving" is to put your booty away and not leave it in the alley...because it disappears. I was upset when I came home and the white dresser was gone. I thought, "Someone stole my dresser! The dresser I worked so hard to shove in my car! The dresser that has been in my family for 2 days! How dare they???"

Then I took a deep breath, looked around and figured they probably thought I didn't want it because it was out in the alley, near the garbage can. Doh!

So Sueann's Supplement Dumpster Diving Rule: Keep treasures away from the curb and store in a secure place.

I'm over it now. Sort of. I am trying to figure out how to fall in love with that other dresser I picked up. The ugly one. I'm sorta imagining it as an arranged marriage that an Asian father set up saying to his daughter, "He has personality if you can get past the looks."

You may have been wondering what I plan on doing with all the stuff right? Well. I WAS going to shabby chic that white dresser...but I have let that go now. Instead I will use an old window and The Other dresser to make some sweet piece of...something.

Some of the pants will become Tote Bags. Like this one I sewed up. You can wear it while riding your bike and it has many pockets to lose things in.

I plan on doing a little anecdotal experiment with craigslist, ebay and local ads to see which leads to a the first sale of the Kitchen Aid attachments.

And then there's the "What Was I Thinking" category of stuff.

I could take the fatigues and sew something...but camo is so 2005! I could make a Fairy Garden with the monster toys I found - have the monsters pillaging the Fairy Village, but I think that's disturbing. So instead, a whole lot of stuff will be donated.

My "Treasure Diving" partner helped save me from a "What Was I Thinking" potential problem. You see...I picked up a Free Organ - Lawrence Welk edition. I thought I could learn to play it, host mini concerts for my friends and maybe play at the Moscow Farmer's Market and have Robin Rilette sing! But TDP (Treasure Diving Partner) had this look of "This is never going to happen." So I called my Dad. He said, "This is never going to happen. Donate it." So off it went to inspire others.

I have to admit that during the "Treasure Diving" I experienced many feelings. Euphoria at the discovery of things I like, disgust at the waste, entrepreneurial dreams, and greed.

Veteran dumpster divers have a great suggestion for this - take only what you need or can pass on.

And leave things for other creatures and humans too.

More to come!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


You're right. I was initially uneasy at the idea of dumpster diving and then shocked at the apalling waste.

What is with these people? Have they never heard of a consignment store, a thrift store or...hello!...Goodwill!

Is it laziness? I'm really not buying this idea that someone doesn't have fifteen or twenty mintues to haul a carload of decent, sometimes brand new stuff, to the Goodwill or a local homeless or women's shelter.

Is is lack of respect for the overseas worker who received a wage that most Americans would totally turn up their noses at to make those boots or cuisnart attachments?

So how about Thursday at 7:00? Let's go dumpster diving!!!!
