Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Something Thought Provoking

My supervisor, Mary Hawkins, said something to me that made me stop in my tracks. "
"The opposite of Love isn't Hate, it is Apathy." This is particularly poignant to me in my life right now.

Hate implies you care - I mean, enough to think about a person, mull over things in your mind and let's face it...there is a sort of attraction there. Taming of the Shrew anyone? But apathy means no thoughts, nothingness, no energy...apathy to me means indifference and that means a cold heart. Apathy is true rejection friends not hate.

So think about this in your personal life. Then think about this as our pledge drive nears! $$$ I had to mention this!! Are you a lover of NWPR? Then pledge. Are you are hater of NWPR...you can still pledge and you think about us...you've at least listened! Are you apathetic about NWPR?

1 comment:

corey g. said...

Definitely NO apathy for NWPR here. Waiting for the Thursday POWER Breakfast Pledge! :)
