Tuesday, October 17, 2006

WSU Student Protest War Rape

On the WSU Pullman campus today there were several students standing silently with black hoods over their heads. Their message was very powerful. The silence was deafening. They were holding signs that told stories of rape during war.

Their pamphlet says "Whenever there is an unbalance of power, the potential for rape is increased. Rape during war appears to have gone through three main stages: 1. Rape as a reward for victors during ancient times. 2. Random cases of rape during modern times. 3. Systematic, organized rape as a tactic of war ... today."

You have heard of #3 on NPR before. Recently on All Things Considered we heard this first hand account of child rape in Uganda. Then we hear about the subsequent forced enlistment of these children into the Lord's Resistance Army.

It is hard to not feel overwhelmed with the madness of the world. As I read the signs an anger stirred in me. Two things went through my mind; Why are the women and children the first to be victimized? And I feel guilty for living a blessed life. I can have great discussions with you about the first question. The second, I have already worked out. As free, independent, blessed American woman, I cannot feel guilty about my blessings. It would be a sin to me. I must transform that thought into positive action. Let's not be overwhelmed with the madness of the world. Instead, let us do our part to help with what we have. We have so much, and to whom much is given, much will be expected.
Stop Darfur Genocide
Prevent Forced Child Prostitution
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Whitman County Community Action Center
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